Transition your career with cutting edge high impact premium content

Experience a mix of deep visionary talks, exciting real-world companies, and the opportunity to make hundreds of important connections.
You could have the most important meeting of your start-up career

Hear from visionary founders, investors and scientists on how we can secure the big wins for human wellbeing.

Discover 50+ companies redefining wellbeing today.

Meet exactly who you need to with extensive networking channels. Find founders, investors, advisors and more.

Join the most important annual event for Human Wellbeing and Tech. This year’s conference is an inflection point -- where you’ll discover future opportunities and current cases enabling a radically ambitious goal to make human wellbeing exponential.
Day 1, framed by TT Co-Founder Nichol Bradord focuses on the Business of Wellbeing and Transformative Tech, highlighting the Applied Game Changing Opportunities to expand Human Health and Happiness through wellbeing.
9:00 AM | Morning Sessions |
12:00 PM | Lunch, Networking and Exhibits |
2:00 PM | Afternoon Sessions |
5:30 PM | Reception and Discussion |

Join the most important annual event for Human Wellbeing and Tech. This year’s conference is an inflection point -- where you’ll discover future opportunities and current cases enabling a radically ambitious goal to make human wellbeing exponential.
Day 2 framed by TT Co-Founder Dr. Jeffery Martin focuses on the BIgger Questions, Research and Progress in the Psychological Human Body of Knowledge to make human health and happiness commonplace.
9:00 AM | Morning Sessions |
12:00 PM | Lunch, Networking and Exhibits |
2:00 PM | Afternoon Sessions |
5:30 PM | Close & The Road Ahead - Dr. Jeffery A. Martin & Nichol Bradford |

Join the most important annual event for Human Wellbeing and Tech. This year’s conference is an inflection point -- where you’ll discover future opportunities and current cases enabling a radically ambitious goal to make human wellbeing exponential.
Over a dozen sessions are being offered by leaders in our community! These breakout rooms will be accessible for FREE to the general public (with or without a conference ticket).
Saturday 12:00-1:00 PM |
Community Breakout Sessions |
Saturday 1:00-2:00 PM |
Community Breakout Sessions |
*Reminder: These breakout rooms will be accessible for FREE to the general public (with or without a conference ticket). To register for these sessions, please fill out this form, and meeting links will be emailed to you beforehand.

Join the most important annual event for Human Wellbeing and Tech. This year’s conference is an inflection point -- where you’ll discover future opportunities and current cases enabling a radically ambitious goal to make human wellbeing exponential. The 50 Companies featured on the Showcase Stage represent the range of Transformative Tech companies that we want the world to know about - regardless of stage.
- Dr. Tim Mullen, Founder & CEO -- Intheon: Scalable Platform Technologies for Advanced Biosignal Processing and Neural State Decoding
- Kim Warner, VP Business Development -- Sentio Solutions: BioMarkers and Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health
- Dr. Ross Harper, Founder & CEO -- Limbic: A Unifying AI Therapy Assistant for Care Providers, Clinicians, and Service Users
- Dr. Ramses Alcaide, CEO -- Neurable: Using Tech Tools to Actionably and Scientifically Create a Better Future of Work
- Madeleine Evans, Founder & CEO -- Levell: Creating a Future of Work that Enhances Human Well-Being
- Amy Baglan, Co-Founder & Chief Evangelist -- Fabriq: Social Wellness Starts Here: 500,000 Connections and Counting
- Melanie Aronson, Founder & CEO -- Panion: Social Isolation: Can Tech Become the Answer Instead of the Cause?
- Graeme Cox, Co-Founder & CEO -- Emteq Labs: Delivering a Universal Biometric Stress Measure for Virtual Reality
- Dzera Kaytati, Co-Founder & COO -- Maaind: Wellbeing by Design and Mind-Adaptive Experiences
- Richard Hanbury, Founder & CEO -- Sana Health: Immediate Stress Relief: Why Devices Beat Drugs Every Time
- Elias Arjan, Senior Vice President -- Biostrap: Welcome To Biostrap Labs -- Evidence-Based Wellness
- Quinn Underwood, Co-Founder & CEO -- Animo: Emotional Intelligence-as-a-Service: AI-Empowered Self Awareness
- Patrick Hilsbos, Co-Founder & CEO -- Neuromore:
- Dr. Khizer Khaderi, Founder & CEO -- Vizzario: Using AI to Empower Integrative Human Experiences
- Mohan Reddy, CTO -- Vizzario: Using AI to Empower Integrative Human Experiences
- Nell Bennett, Creative Director -- Doppel: Designing Our Emotional Second Skin
- Erin Reynolds, Chief Mollusk -- Flying Mollusk: Video Games: The Untapped Potential of Play
- Sarah Hill, CEO & Chief Storyteller -- Healium: Mental Fitness in Extended Realities
- Alison Smith, Neuroscientist & Manager of Performance Science and Research -- Vielight: Discover the Neuro Pro
- Stefan Chmelik, Founder -- Sensate: Hardwired for Anxiety (and Why What Got Us Here Can't Get Us There)
- Davin Miyoshi, Co-Founder & CPO -- Skillprint: A Personal Operating System for Learning and Development
- Aziz Kaddan, Co-Founder & CEO -- Myndlift: Mental Wellbeing Supported by EEG
- Sarah McDevitt, Founder & CEO -- Core: Core Meditation and Mental Health
- Robin Arnott, CEO -- Andromeda Entertainment: Gaming: The Hidden Key to Scalable Wellbeing
- Ari Goldschmidt, Founder -- Prism: Models for Proactive Mental Health Maintenance
- Amir Bozorgzadeh, Co-Founder & CEO -- Virtuleap: Improving Brain Health with VR
- Dr. David Rabin, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer -- Apollo Neuro: Apollo Neuroscience: A Case Study From Idea to Revenue
- Kathryn Fantauzzi, Co-Founder & CEO -- Apollo Neuro: Apollo Neuroscience: A Case Study From Idea to Revenue
- Michael Lovitch, Founding Partner -- The Baby Bathwater Institute
- Eesmyal Santos-Brault, CEO -- Quantified Citizen: Democratizing Health Research
- Amit Sternberg, Co-Founder & CEO -- Rubato: Biometrical Music Recommendations
- Dr. Alex Theory, Co-Founder & CEO -- Sensync: World's First Multi-Sensory Virtual Experience for Wellness
- Hannes Bend, Founder -- breathing.ai: Calming Colors: How Hearts, Light and AI Design Our Wellbeing
- Josh Silverman, CEO -- Aromyx: Quantifying Perception of Human Taste and Smell
- Matt Smith, Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer -- Embr Labs: On the Therapeutic Power of Temperature
- Mani Srinivasan, SVP & Head of Business Development -- TRIPP: Digital Psychedelics to Hack Your Mood
- Dmitri Leonov, Co-Founder -- Taopatch: A Wearable Nanotechnology Device that Combines Acupuncture with Light Therapy
Fireside Chats
Hear from visionary founders, investors and scientists on how we can secure the big wins for human wellbeing. Discover new opportunities, mind-blowing ideas, new scientific evidence, and understand the landscape for Wellbeing Tech.
New Tools
Boldly applying exponential tech to Human Wellbeing
New Platforms
Reinvent tools for work, play and learning to be human centered
New Growth
Add opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness into unexpected places (like games)
New Design Frameworks
Human centric,humans-in-the loop, tech standards
New Senses
Add ways to connect to ourselves, the world and each other
New Integrations
Push beyond measurement to multi-signal, contextual interventions
New Processes
Turn linear path from academic to applications into a parallel process
New Research
Increase funding and remove bottlenecks that limit better understanding of human brain and mind
New Partnerships
Join the Wellbeing Consortium, an alliance of companies, foundations, and investors to promote human sustainability
Start-up Stages
Our Startup Stage & Exhibitors Tab shine a spotlight on Wellbeing Tech startups with outstanding potential, helping them find investors, co-founders, research collaborators and more. Over two days, we will showcase 50+ start-ups curated by our advisors and sourced from applications and nominations.

To be healthier, happier and more resilient individuals.

To have human interaction skills that make strong, creative, and resilient families, communities, and companies.

To become our best selves able to co- craft a shared vision for humanity that can contain us all.

Abundant Networking
Meet exactly who you need to with extensive networking channels. Find founders, investors, advisors and more. This virtual event will allow you to network, network,network. We will open the channel 1 week prior and ensure that you know who is coming so that you can build relationships.
Start-Up Directory
The companies of Founder ticket holders will be listed on our company directory to enable attendees to find you easily before, during and after the conference. You can include promo offers.