Meet Our 2019 speakers

Taizo Son
Co-Founder, Mistletoe
Re-creating a Sustainable Human-Centered Future Using Transformative Technology

Nichol Bradford
Co-Founder & Exec Director, Transformative Tech Lab
Market Overview: 2019 Overview of the TransTech Market

Dr. Adam Gazzaley
Executive Director at UCSF Neuroscape
A New Era of Experiential Medicine: Exploring the Role of Technology

Ed Boyden
Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology at MIT, Leader, Synthetic Neurobiology Group, Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab and McGovern Institute
Re-creating a Sustainable Human-Centered Future Using Transformative Technology

Achin Bhowmik
Chief Technology Officer & Executive Vice President of Engineering, Starkey Hearing Technologies
Transforming Hearing Augmentation Devices into Multi-function Gateways to Health and Information with AI

Dr. Jeffery A. Martin
Co-Founder & Research Professor, Transformative Tech Lab
Fundamental Wellbeing and Tech

Dr. Jim Doty
Founder and Director of CCARE and Professor of Neurosurgery-Stanford University School of Medicine
The Science of Compassion for Compassion Tech

Joe Hudson
Executive Coach and Cultural Engineer
Workshop: Establishing A Legendary Transtech Company

Rui Ma
Founder @ Euzen Labs and Co-Founder of the TTA, Managing Partner, Evolution
Market Overview / TTA Pitch Fest

Tracy Podell
Executive & Communication Coach with Evolution | Helping Startups Scale Without Losing Their Soul
Workshop: Evolutionary Leadership

Dr. Molly Maloof
Physician, Entrepreneur, Stanford Lecturer
Glucose Monitoring, Mitochondrial Stress, & Mental Health

Niraj Mehta
Managing Partner and CEO at Kilowatt Capital LLC
The Company that Catalyzes Consciousness through Capitalism

Sam Cassatt
Chief Strategy Officer at ConsenSys
Panel: Ethics is not an Option: Data Ethics, Privacy and Sovereignty in Transformtaive Tech

Raina Kumra
Early Stage Investor, Tech Ethics Specialist
Panel: Ethics is not an Option: Data Ethics, Privacy and Sovereignty in Transformtaive Tech

Jeremiah Owyang
Founding Partner, Kaleido Insights
Panel: Thriving At Work: Tech+Wellness with Employees (What Enterprise Decision Makers Want from Providers)

Peter Hirshberg
Principal, Maker City Project | Founder & Chairman, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts. Former Apple Executive
Panel: Audacities & Wise Cities: Cities as Platforms for Transformation

Mickey McManus
Visiting Research Fellow at Autodesk, Senior Advisor at BCG, Co-Author, Trillions
Panel: Audacities & Wise Cities: Cities as Platforms for Transformation

Ursula Oesterle
Director Innovation, PMI
Thriving At Work: Tech+Wellness with Employees (What Enterprise Decision Makers Want from Providers)

John Cammack
Managing Partner, Kingcedar Holdings & Affiliate Member, Bridge Builders Collaborative
Transformative Tech Investing: What do Investors Want?

Michael Susi
Director, Global Wellness at LinkedIn
Thriving At Work: Tech+Wellness with Employees (What Enterprise Decision Makers Want from Providers)

Charlie Hartwell
Operating Partner, Bridge Builders Collaborative
Transformative Tech Investing: What do Investors Want?

Abigail Hollingsworth
VP, Global Benefits at Salesforce
Thriving At Work: Tech+Wellness with Employees (What Enterprise Decision Makers Want from Providers)

Dr. Isabela Granic
Professor at Radboud University and Director, Games for Emotional & Mental Health
EmotionTech & Conscious AI

George Eleftheriou
Feel --Continuous Objective Data and Real-Time Interventions for Mental Health

Gary Moon
Managing Partner Nfluence Partners
The Map of the World: Premiering the 1st Investment Banking Analyst Overview on Transtech

Dr. Momo Vuyisich
Founder and Chief Science Officer at Viome
The Gut-Mind Connection: Healthy Human Psychology, Depression, and the Microbiome

Dr. Agnis Stibe
Director of Transforming IMBA, ESLSCA France, Founder, TRANSFORMS.ME
Transforming Cities for Human Flourishing

Dr. Gabe Aranovich
Chief Clinical Officer at Mindstrong
Amplified Humanity: Supporting Clinicians with AI & Digital Phenotype For Better Care

Richard Hanbury
CEO and Founder, Sana Health
Turning a Leap into a Ladder: The Path to Becoming Evidenced-Based for the Start-up

Jun Deng
Investment Partner, Joyance Partners
Transformative Tech Investing: What do Investors Want?

Dr. Matthew Markert
Epilepsy Physician at Stanford University Hospital
Wearable Non-Invasive Neuromodulation: The Science and the Future of Vagus Nerve, TcDS, TMS and More

Laura Inserra
Sound and Music Designer, Samavesha
The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology. AKA Unleashing the Power of Music

Roy Raymann
Vice President Sleep Science & Scientific Affairs -SleepScore Labs
Tick Tock: The Day, The Night and the Circadian Clock

Duleesha Kulasooriya
Head of Strategy and Research, Deloitte Center for the Edge / One. Whole. Team.
The Future of Work Powered by Transformative Tech

John Vitale
Co-Founder, Focus@Will
The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology. AKA Unleashing the Power of Music

John Alexiou
Co-Founder, Subpac
The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology. AKA Unleashing the Power of Music

Tracy Rosenthal
UX & Game Designer/ Product Advisor at Ripple Effects and UCSF Neuroscape
The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology. AKA Unleashing the Power of Music

Frank Fitzpatrick
Music & Wellness, Entertainment & TransTech Workshop
The Power of Music and Sound in Transformative Technology. AKA Unleashing the Power of Music

Ting Jiang
Principal, BETA at The Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University
Audacities & Wise Cities: Cities as Platforms for Transformation

Cynthia Phelps
Founder, InnerAlly
Emotional Fitness: creating the next generation of mobile mental wellness applications.

Shasha Jumbe
Co-founder, CEO | Level 42 AI, Inc
Non-Invasive Sensor Fusion for ML/AI: The Future of Digital Biomarkers for Wellness and Wellbeing

Lindsay T. Graham, Ph.D.
Personality & Social Psychologist - The Center for the Built Environment, UC Berkeley
Spaces and Places: Buildings for Wellbeing and Cognitive Performance

David Rabin
Chief Innovation Officer, Co-Founder, Co-Inventor at Apollo Neuroscience; Board-Certified Psychiatrist & Neuroscientist
Lighting Stage Speakers

Adam Molnar
Co-Founder, Director of Partner Success at Neurable
Neurable: Getting to the Everyday Brain-Computer Interface

Patrick Sandone
Creating a global shift in human culture.
Guide: Awakening the Power of Human Potential

Aneel Chima
Director - Division of Health and Human Performance | The Stanford Flourishing Project / Stanford University
Flourishing @ Stanford

Anna Jo
Neuro-analytics Consultant & Global Marketing Communications Manager
Visualize, Interact with, and Analyze your Mind in VR

Ariel Andersson
Authenticity, Life & Conscious Business Coach & Trainer. Optimizing natural gifts, intuition & talents with your core values
Can Mindfulness and AI Change Our Minds?

Carson Kelly
Social Ventures | Corporate Social Responsibility | SaaS Technology | Entrepreneurship | Non-Profit Governance
Bringing Compassion to Scale

Davin Miyoshi
Co-Founder, CPO at Skillprint
Skillprint: Play Games and Unlock Your Inner Superpowers

Dr. Amy Serin
Neuropsychologist and Founder of Serin Center
The New Neuroscience of Stress and Tech Hacks To Lower It Immediately

Daniel Beilin
Integrative Medicine Doctor/Practitioner at Daniel Beilin, OMD
The Alfasight 9000: An Instrument of Hope

Jenny Tillotson
Award-winning Designer | TransTech Entrepreneur | Bioengineering A New Fragrance Movement | RSA Fellow
eScent: Augmenting Sensory Perception Through Wearable Scent Technology

Dr. Susan Jewell
Founder / President AvatarMEDIC, LLC
Mars and Beyond: Health and Wellness During Isolation and Confinement

Elias Arjan
VP of Strategic Development for Biostrap | Speaker on Technology, Wellness, Biohacking, Psychometrics and Leadership
Why Sleep is not Recovery

Els van der Helm, PhD
Co-founder and CEO at Shleep - We are hiring!! Lead Developer and Sales Lead opportunities!
Better Performance Through Better Sleep

Erik Fernholm
Hiring a UI Designer, start asap. CEO & Co-founder at 29k & key-note speaker
Democratizing Transformation: An Open Source Approach

Farsam Shadab
Founder, and Augmented Realism
The Emerging Impact of Immersive Media on TT

Gino Yu
Associate Professor, Director of Digtal Entertainment and Game Development, Hong Kong PolyU
Entrepreneurship as Spiritual Path

Haafiz Dossa
Technological Innovator
Marketing as a Force for Good: How We Can Build a New Model for Data that Empowers Everyone

Hannes Bend
Member at NEW INC with Breathing.AI at New Museum of Contemporary Art
Creating Technologies that Adapt to Humans

Iain Cameron McIntyre
CEO & Cofounder of HUMM - currently part of the UC Berkeley Skydeck Accelerator
Humm: Neurostimulation for Working Memory

Jessica Behrman
V.P., Business Development at Jacuzzi ® saunas by Clearlight Infrared
Infrared and Wellbeing

Dr. Joe DiDuro
President at ProNeuroLIGHT LLC
Wearable Therapy for Neurodegenerative and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

John Tukums (DeepPhysiology), Chief Stress Re-Architect, Human Potential Architect, 14k+, Author & Humanitarian
A New Deeper Path to the Mind

Jonathan Cowan
President & CTO at Peak Achievement Training | Providing the Fastest & Easiest Neurofeedback for Self-Improvement
Peak Achievement Life: Opening the Possibilities of Life Through Neurofeedback

Jose Montemayor Alba
Entrepreneur, Multidisciplinary Artist, XR Developer, Psychonaut.
End-of-Life Transformative Tech

Kirill Kireyev
AI technologist/entrepreneur, focusing on intelligent technologies enhancing human knowledge, connection and well-being
How AI can Scale Human Transformation

Dr. Mendel Kaelen
Founder and CEO at Wavepaths
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing - Music and the future of Mental Health Care

Muralidhar Somisetty
Serial Technopreneur, Innovator | IoT | AI | Founder | eMobility | Co-Founder Numocity
YogiFi: The Future Technology for Holistic Wellbeing

Olu Ogunlela
Life Coach | Lifestyle Architect | Life Intelligence Pioneer
Behavior Change - Using Big Data to Alleviate Global Stress & Employee Burnout

Phnam Bagley
Partner + Creative Director at Nonfiction | Speaker
NonFiction: Designing Transformative Tech Products

Scott Donnell
Chief Executive Officer at Hapbee, Inc. and Apex Leadership Co
The Secret of Magnetic Fields

Dr Shama Rahman
Creative Scientist, Futurist, Inter-disciplinarian
Digital Health: Innovation-Training Improves Wellbeing

Dr. Tim Mullen
CEO & Research Director, Intheon
Turn-Key Brain/Body Signal Analysis and State Decoding in the Cloud

Watson Ξ (Xi)
Director of Software and Analytics, Core Wellness
Data Science for Personalized Wellbeing

Wendy Chung, MSc.
Sales | Account Manger | Customer Service
2020 and Beyond: A View from a Neuro and Bioinstrument Manufacturer

Jonah Larkin
Co-founder at How Humans Work-Creating tools, Sensate
Sensate: Vibrotactile Bone Conduction for Stress
And more to come!
(If you would like to participate in our Company Lighting Rounds or be a Community Speaker, please get in touch!)